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One-Stop-Shop For Niche Supply Distribution In Las Vegas For Sale

Las Vegas, Nevada, US
Asking Price:
$1,100,000 Furniture / Fixtures and Inventory / Stock included
Sales Revenue:
Cash Flow:

DATA DRIVEN NICHE MAJOR IN DEMAND DISTRIBUTION PRODUCTS in the personal services industry with minimal competition, per seller! Rare opportunity with an ultra-organized seller tracking key business metrics for sustained growth! The seller previously worked for IBM North America and is highly detail-oriented. 1 retail location with 2 vans for delivery service! Authorized service center for major industry brands with retail, wholesale, distribution, and manufacturing through 4 sales channels! Delivery and service vans are included in the sale with full wrapping! Seller's personal computer is not included in the sale. E2 Visa investor potential! Huge growth potential in all aspects, plus multiple streams of revenue! The seller is willing to stay in a management or consulting role. Business shows 20% YOY growth as of May 2024, per seller. Gross sales and total income are projected for 2024 based on Q1 P&L. EMAIL NOW before it is gone! For the fastest reply to your inquiry, please use this ad's email reply! For the fastest reply to your inquiry, please use this ad's email reply! For the fastest reply to your inquiry, please use this ad’s email reply or contact Business Broker Edward Smith Business broker permit.

Property Information

Real Estate:


Premises Details:

This listing has one leased location. $2,346.51, sq. ft. 1,300 sq. ft., lease expiration date 2/28/2024. Hours of operation are 9am-6pm, 9am-5pm, 10am-5pm, Mon-Fri, Sat, Sun. Seller is active with 4 FT employees. $175,000 in inventory and $125,000 in FF&E included in the asking price. $50,000 made in leasehold improvements. Other Assets include exclusive distribution contracts with top name brands, multiple distribution channels!

Business Operation

Reasons for selling:


Trading hours:

9am - 6pm Mon-Fri, 9am - 5pm Sat, 10am - 5pm Sun

Years established:

Other Information

Support & training:

Thirty (30) days

Furniture / Fixtures value:
$125,000 - included in the asking price
Inventory / Stock value:
$175,000 - included in the asking price