Two private trade schools offering education culminating in attainment of a barber license.
This school can accommodate 18 students on their premises at any given time. Tuition is $12,500 which remains competitive with the 1 other barber school in the area, which is $13k per student. It takes 6-12 months to attain a barber license. This school has facilitated the licensure of over 50 graduates in the past 4 years. They have infiltrated the Waco and Tyler market with over 40 graduates cutting in each area.
They currently have strong partnerships within the community and are the go to barber for Ridgewood Country Club, Kenrich Williams in the NBA, they are a part of Chosen
Outreach offering free haircuts for the kids.
After graduation, students are certified as Class A barbers. This means they may perform most cosmetology services, with the exception of eyelash-extension services and may perform most barbering services, with the exception of straight-razor shaving.
The institution operates on a twelve-month calendar, with continuous enrollment. They enroll students on the first Tuesday of each month, unless changes are made by management. They accept students on a part-time (20-hours/week) and full-time basis (30-hours/week).
They also accept weekly and monthly payment plans with a minimum down payment of $1,000.00. The cost to attend training is $14,300.00 per student. The delivery system used for instruction is the traditional classroom lecture and laboratory practice on the clinic floor. Owner established this school after a long history as a barber, but since then, has expanded and has successfully
transformed this into a completely absentee establishment.