Note: Seller won't go SBA. Must be a cash or otherwise financed purchase. Some seller financing may be available with a large downpayment. Buyers must sign NDA and show proof of funds (or other ability to make the purchase) before full details will be shared.
Established 13 years, this light-duty diesel repair business has two busy locations in Central Florida, in the greater Orlando area. They also do all types of auto and truck repairs and maintenance but specialize in diesel work. This is one of the few diesel specialty shops in the area. Between both locations, the business has many repeating and fiercely loyal clients, including fleets and area businesses.
The manager/lead tech has the required diesel certification; the owner does not have to.
Approx. $22,500 in FF&E is included in the sale, including vehicle lifts (two 2-post lifts), engine scan tools, special tools, parts, office equipment, etc. Full equipment and FF&E list are to be provided. Also, approximately . $5000 in inventory will be included in the sale.
The owner makes sure the service advisors and techs/mechanics are the primary face of the business with clients, so there should be little disruption with a new owner. The owner works about 25 hours per week between both locations, but the shops could run fine without that, even with an absentee owner.
NOTE: One location has been open for a little less than a year and is already very busy. The other location has been in operation for 13 years. This shop had a small gap in operations (details to be discussed) and has recently relocated, but all the clients followed the shop, and business is already fully back up to speed—even busier than before.
The shops are leased on good terms, and both properties and buildings are also available for sale (not included in the price).
All business details, financials, projections, etc. are based on the information provided by the seller and have not been independently verified. Important: Some of the financials are based on annualized estimates. Information is not warranted. Any images are generic.